What is your policy on SPAM?

We take a very dim view of SPAM. It is one of the most annoying things encountered on the Internet. Any client found to be spamming will have his/her account terminated immediately - no questions asked (we will investigate the report thoroughly before terminating any account). There is no warning or second chance. If we find that you have violated our Acceptable Usage Policy, we will report you and the incident to the proper local, state and central/federal authorities and will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.

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What are my POP and SMTP settings?

mail.yourdomain.com Enable My Server Requires Authentication option in your mail client.Note:...

How can I access webmail?

Linux Server:  http://www.yourdomain.com/webmail Windows Server:...

How do I set up my email in Outlook Express?

The following is a walk-through for setting up Outlook Express.Go to 'Tools' -> 'Accounts...'...

I still can't send email. What's wrong?

Our SMTP servers are configured as secure relays. This means that you cannot simply reference...

How do I tell if my ISP is blocking my outgoing mail?

It is becoming more common that ISPs are blocking port 25 (SMTP port) forcing you to use their...